Eylau Capital Sàrl is a Securitization Company domiciled in Luxembourg. It issues bonds offered as private placements only in order to finance projects across Europe. Only sophisticated professional investors can invest in those bonds.
Eylau Capital SARL is a securitization company subject to the Luxembourg Law of March 22nd, 2004 related to Securitization, which is registered at the Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de Luxembourg. Under the Securitization Law, Eylau Capital SARL benefits from an increased legal framework for the exercise of its activity. Eylau Capital SARL does not issue securities continuously to the public and, therefore, is not regulated by the CSSF.
The Luxembourg law ensures a fiscal neutrality of securitization companies since, even if the companies are fully taxable, all repayments made for the benefit of the investors are completely deductible from the tax base.
There is no withholding tax in Luxembourg. The investors are taxed accordingly to the applicable rules in their country of residence.
EYLAU CAPITAL Sàrl does not provide any type of guarantee regarding the future result of the solutions, the general affairs, the return or the realizations.
The previous return should never constitute any type of guarantee, nor is it considered a reliable indicator of current or future returns.
All investments mentioned here take into account important risks of capital losses and may be inappropriate, taking into account the situation of some investors.
None of the information contained in this website should, in any case, be considered as an investment, legal, fiscal, regulatory, financial, accounting or any other matter.
Recipients of investment opportunities should consult their own professional advisor to determine if such an investment would be appropriate to keep their investment profile in mind. They must not base their investment decisions solely on the information presented. It is in the interest of any person interested to ensure that this subscription or investment complies with the laws and regulations concerning, as well as the potential tax aspects resulting from such an investment, and to take it into consideration in all regulatory documents. force and applicability for each individual solution.
The investments presented are for information purposes only and should not, in any case, make an investment decision.
Investors must understand that they could potentially lose part or all their invested capital.